What Indonesian Herbal Plants are Called to Prevent Covid-19?
INFOKU - Although there has been an official appeal from the
Indonesian Ministry of Health on how to prevent corona virus infection, in fact
the public is still looking for other alternatives as additional protection.
Through herbal medicine one of them. So far there have
been several plants that are considered or believed to be able to prevent
corona virus infection.
However, not all have been examined scientifically.
This is not surprising considering that Covid-19 is a new disease, so not much
research can be done on this disease.
Both in the national news and through the chat
application chat chain, news about herbal plants that can prevent corona,
always steal the attention.
So far, this follows plants and herbal ingredients
that are claimed to help prevent Covid-19 infections.
Jamu Empon Empon
The name empon-empon is on the rise since corona began to spread in
This traditional Indonesian herbal medicine has long been believed to
prevent us from various diseases.
Empon-empon itself is actually a collection of spices consisting of red
ginger, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and lemongrass.
The spice mixture is considered to increase endurance, so that not a few
people who consume it to prevent contracting Covid-19.
Even so, until now there has been no scientific research that can confirm
the benefits of empon-empon to prevent corona virus infection.
So information about the truth of its usefulness should be addressed
2. Oranges and their skin
Researchers from the
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and the University of Indonesia (UI)
recently conducted a joint study to find out the components of herbal or
natural ingredients that can fight corona virus infection.
a result, oranges and their skin are considered to have the potential to carry
out this task.
ability of oranges to fight corona is said to be obtained from the content of
the hesperidin type flavonoids in it. Hesperidin is considered able to provide
protection for the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Hesperidin itself is
contained in orange peels.
to try it, you can grate a little orange skin that has been washed clean into
orange juice to be drunk.
addition, you can also make infusion water by cutting oranges without peeling
the skin first. But remember, the results of this study are still in the
initial initial stages.
more research needs to be done to truly ensure the efficacy of orange peel in
preventing Covid-19 infections.
3. Guava
Still from the same research team, the next plant considered potential for
corona antidote herbal medicine is guava.
Because according to researchers from UI and IPB, guava has components that
are complete enough to fight corona virus infection.
These compounds include hesperidin, rhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin, and
However, because this research has
never been done directly on humans, it still takes longer to be able to
ascertain the ability of the guava.
4. Moringa leaves
The combined study apparently not only examined oranges and guava, but also
Moringa leaves.
The compounds that are considered useful for winning the corona virus are
also in the leaves which are already often used as herbal medicines.
Again, it is wise to use Moringa leaves as a deterrent to the corona virus.
Therefore, research conducted is still in the initial stages.
Knowing what is considered potentially preventing corona virus does not
Even so, SehatQ medical editor, dr. Karlina Lestari urges the public to
remain cautious about these claims. The reason is, until now there has been no
research that clearly explains that certain herbal medicines can cure
coronavirus in this case specifically Covid-19.
Moreover, so far, herbal medicines that have been studied in relation to
Covid-19 are more aimed at seeing their ability to improve the immune system,
not to actually heal.
"So if you want to consume, be more careful. Don't believe 100% with
the claim because more research still needs to be done, "he said.
Dr. Karlina added, the most correct and scientifically proven way to
prevent corona virus infection is to wash hands using soap and running water.
If there is no water, at least wash your hands with a hand sanitizer.
In addition, he also recommends the use of masks when traveling as well as
to maintain cleanliness.
Meanwhile, Dr. Karlina continued, you should rest at home, not travel, and
eat nutritious food and drink water, when you feel sick. Then, contact your
doctor if the condition does not improve.
"Covid-19 is a virus that currently has no cure. So, the
administration of drugs in hospitals is only to treat the symptoms, not to
eliminate the virus from the body, "explained Dr. Karlina.
So, if there is a claim that a material or plant is certainly effective in
healing or preventing corona, we should be wiser in responding to it.
Sperm mask makes Ageless ?
: dr . Ossyris Abu Bakr
sperm as a youthful drug for women have long been advised to swallow sperm
beredar.Wanita so youthful or using sperm as a mask so that the skin becomes
smooth .
Although sperm contains several
important ingredients such as protein , fructose , citric acid , prostaglandins
, spearmint , zinc , amino acids , vitamin C , and acid phosphatase not mean to
rub it on the face or swallowing it into useful materials .
Skin absorption is not as easy as many believe the myth that society . This was stated by Prof . Dr.dr.Wimpie Pangkahila , Sp.And . , FAAC in the Basic Education Sexology , Force XIII , Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana , held from 31 October to 5 November 2010 at Hotel Puri Dalem Sanur .
Training opened Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine , Udayana University , Prof. . Dr. . dr . Putu Astawa , Sp.OT. , Kes . Sexology study participants came from several regions in Indonesia, including Aceh with educational backgrounds ranging from specialist obstetric gynecology , internal medicine ( endocrine ) , psychiatrist , S2 student anti- aging medicine , to general practitioners .
Guided brothers famous sexologist Prof . Wimpi Pangkahila and Prof . Alex Pangkahila one material presented misleading about sex myths .
According to Alex Pangkahila , Prof. . smile that had the feel of this creative humor , the size of the male genitalia is not the benchmark to achieve sexual satisfaction in women .
Myths that developed , the greater
the male genitals , the partner be satisfied . Anatomically only third outer
hole intercourse women because many contain receptors of the sympathetic nerve
While 2/3 parts of it are not
sensitive due to lack of stimulation of the sympathetic nerve .
Thus the myth might disqualify a man determined jumbonya genitals . Not the size of the role in giving sexual satisfaction sexual pasangannnya but quality .
Thus the myth might disqualify a man determined jumbonya genitals . Not the size of the role in giving sexual satisfaction sexual pasangannnya but quality .
As a result of the misleading myths about genital size , a group of men trapped in a scientific effort that is not exactly a catastrophe .
That was popular some time ago that the injection of liquid silicone into the male genitals .
Genital enlargement method is very dangerous cause silicone fluids can get into the genital tissues ( cavernous sinus ) .
Foreign objects trapped there vulnerable triggers an inflammatory reaction , causing pain if left unchecked can lead to cancer . Surgery is the only option in this situation .
Inedible because of the myth that is not true , the late singer Farid Hardja heart to divorce his wife of two weeks was suspected not a virgin .
Virgin blood for some men regarded as set in stone as authentic evidence of the girl's still sacred .
Though in a state of arousal and ready , women can have sexual relations with either unimpeded , so that bleeding does not occur .
Instead unprepared and not aroused , let alone forced Siti Nurbaya Like the story that is forcibly married to Datuk Maringgih , quite possibly due to abrasion bleeding hole intercourse in women .
Further described is very berbahanya Wimpie Pangkahila virgin blood myths associated with magic . The misleading myth will often lead to the act of rape as a very troubling case Codet some time ago .
Still hole intercourse involving women . Myth growing , increasingly dry hole intercourse will give more pleasure to their partner . This effort encourages the women to wash genitals with betel leaf , gurah vagina , or herbal medicine that can make a hole intercourse free mat " muddy " .
This myth would be straightened . Perlendiran vagina is a sign of sexual generation indicates that the woman is ready to have sexual intercourse .
Tips submitted Alex Pangkahila not fluid in the hole intercourse to be drained , but pelvic floor exercises muscles that need to be trained from an early age .
Pelvic floor exercises muscles will improve the quality of sexual relationships . Perform regular exercise at least three times a week .
According to the Head of Andrology and Sexology Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana , Wimpie Pangkahila , there are many other sexual myths are misleading and do not have a scientific basis , including the myth that masturbation can cause people to become sterile , impotent , the eye becomes blurred , decreased memory , brittle bones .
This false assumption can cause
anxiety for many people , especially teenagers . Because of this anxiety ,
which in turn can lead to sexual dysfunction . Nearly 100 % of men and 70-80 %
of women never masturbated .
Masturbation is actually used as one way to address the failure of orgasm in women . In men use masturbation as a way to cope inhibited ejaculation .
Through education, sexology is expected to increase the knowledge of sexology including help straighten out the myths that mislead the public .
Hanya dengan Pasta Gigi bisa Cek Kehamilan
16 September 2015 19:55
KOTA, PALMERAH - Test pack merupakan alat praktis dan sederhana untuk
memastikan kehamilan pada seorang wanita.
seringkali kaum wanita tidak memiliki persediaan test pack di rumah. Lantas apa
yang harus dilakukan jika keinginan untuk mengetahui kehamilan begitu menggebu?
sebenarnya masih ada beberapa cara melakukan tes kehamilan tanpa test pack dan hanya
dengan memanfaatkan bahan-bahan yang ada di rumah.
ini beberapa cara yang bisa dicoba oleh kaum wanita, seperti dilansir dari
Pasta gigi
rumah Anda tentu selalu tersedia pasta gigi, bukan? Ternyata pasta gigi juga
bisa digunakan untuk memastikan kehamilan.
pasta gigi yang dipakai ini haruslah pasta gigi yang berwarna putih.
melakukan tes kehamilan dengan pasta gigi, tampunglah urin pertama di pagi hari
dalam sebuah wadah. Lalu teteskan urin tersebut beberapa tetes saja ke pasta
gigi yang berwarna putih.
pasta gigi mengalami perubahan menjadi berbusa atau berubah warna menjadi
berwarna biru, maka Anda mungkin saja hamil. Namun jika tidak terjadi perubahan
apapun, dapat diartikan bahwa belum terjadi kehamilan.
untuk pemutih juga bisa menjadi alat untuk memastikan kehamilan. Caranya,
tampunglah urin pertama di pagi hari lalu masukkan pemutih secukupnya.
sesaat kemudian urin mengeluarkan bunyi berdesis dan berbusa, maka kemungkinan
telah terjadi kehamilan cukup besar.
Daun dandelion atau randa tapak
melakukan tes kehamilan tanpa test pack berikutnya adalah dengan memanfaatkan
tanaman dandelion.
Anda menanam dandelion atau yang dikenal juga dengan nama randa tapak, maka
daunnya bisa digunakan untuk memastikan kehamilan.
melakukan tes kehamilan dengan daun dandelion, siapkanlah beberapa helai daun
dandelion dan hamparkan daun-daun tersebut pada selembar kertas.
tampunglah urin pertama di pagi hari dan basahi daun-daun dandelion dengan urin
dalam beberapa waktu terjadi perubahan warna pada daun dandelion menjadi
kemerah-merahan, maka hal tersebut menandakan kehamilan telah terjadi.
melakukan tes ini sebaiknya hindari paparan sinar matahari secara langsung agar
tidak mempengaruhi hasilnya.
urin pertama di pagi hari dalam sebuah wadah lalu campurkan dengan cuka. Bila
terjadi perubahan warna, maka hal ini menandakan terjadi kehamilan.
tak terjadi perubahan apapun, dapat disimpulkan kehamilan tidak terjadi.
cuka tak tersedia, gula juga bisa digunakan untuk tes kehamilan. Caranya,
tampunglah urin pertama di pagi hari dalam sebuah wadah lalu campurkan dua
sendok makan atau tiga sendok makan gula.
gula dengan cepat melebur atau tercampur, maka hal ini menunjukkan hasil yang
negatif. Namun jika gula menggumpal, maka keadaan tersebut menunjukkan hasil
itulah beberapa cara melakukan tes kehamilan tanpa test pack yang bisa
dilakukan di rumah.
saja jika Anda mendapati hasil tes positif sebaiknya segera lakukan pemeriksaan
lanjutan untuk memastikannya.
saja dengan melakukan tes darah atau pemeriksaan ke dokter kandungan.
The results were released in April 2013 is likely to be bad news for companies hair dye.
But first you have to understand this first: gray hair caused by stress oksidatid that makes hydrogen peroxide to accumulate in the hair follicles. In effect, the loss of pigment from the hair to the outside until finally white.
In this study, demonstrated that the process of changing the color to white hair can be prevented after hair smeared with topical compound called PC-KUS, which functions convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The same compound is also used for 2411 patients suffering from vitiligo (skin turned white patches due to pigment disappears), and the condition of their skin magically disappear.
Does this mean there will be drugs to prevent gray hair? Like yes, according to Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in the department of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center.
"This discovery reveals the fact that the loss of pigmentation in the skin and in hair turns are closely related, and this is very interesting. People usually overcome by painting the gray hair, but this is cosmetic and does not make the act of gray-white hair emerging new stop," he explained.
"Product care can prevent or 'cure' gray hair would be a revolution in the world of hair care," he continued.
This is good news for all those who still have hair. But do not forget, the people with vitiligo can also be happy. And this study once again confirms the dangers of oxidative stress that causes a lot of diseases, ranging from cancer, heart disease, to wrinkles and gray hair.
"Oxidative stress can not be avoided, but we can opponents with antioxidants, either applied directly or consumed from the body," said the doctor.
Luckily, antioxidants are usually in the form of delicious, sweet, and refreshing like blueberries, strawberries, apples, cherries, and green tea. Sometimes, nuts also have high antioxidant content
7 Danger Due To Lack Of Sleep For Health
Danger due to lack of sleep. Sleep is a routine activity undertaken by humans to rest the body and mind. There are so many benefits that can be obtained from the sleep activity. One of them is the body will be more fit and refreshed when you wake up. So that we are ready to face the day-to-day heavy and tiring that we must live today.
Companions, health tips. Many of us who ignore this sleep activity. This can be proven, we often still awake at night like watching tv until late at night, talking with friends in the evening to not forget the time or do activities at night with the exception of those who have to work at night. Companions, health tips. Lack of sleep at night is not good for your health. Here are 7 Danger due to lack of sleep to health:
If you are a worker who must use cars and motorcycles. You should have enough rest at night. This is because, if you do not sleep at night, then you can bet your focus when driving will decrease. This could be dangerous for you, because we know the number of vehicles continues to increase from year to year so it can be imagined. You lose focus in the wake of a vehicle on the left, right, back, front you. Remember the lives at stake, due to lack of sleep. Reporting from kompas.com, a research in America showed that sleep quality is low, then it can lead to accidents and injuries at work. (7 Tips to Get More Sleep For Qualified).
Did you know, lack of sleep can lead to decreased concentration. For those of you who are students who have to work or you use your mind, lack of sleep can lead to impaired concentration when you are learning or need to remember about something already and you have not done before. (7 Foods That Can Feeding Your Brain).
Due to lack of sleep is also very bad for your health. Various diseases will come to you as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and even diabetes. You do not expect to experience it all right ....???? (Endurance Body Tips For Maintaining Healthy Always).
Another result of the lack of sleep that you will often experience stress, often angry unclear and often moody look in between your daily activities. (Here's 7 Tips to Effectively Eliminate Stress).
Due to lack of sleep will affect the fifth is not good for your skin and eyes. In this case, your skin will look dull and pale and fine lines that appear on your skin and your eyes look puffy. (8 Easy Tips to Maintain Your Eye Health).
You often forget to remember the items that you put in yourself, when about to need the goods. This is possible also due to your lack of sleep at night. Try to think of itself, is enough that you sleep during the night. (6 Quick Tips To Not Senile or Often Forget).
Sleep due to seven is obese or overweight. When we are always awake at night, there will be an increase in hunger and desire or appetite always wanted to be channeled lead to obesity or obesity with excess body weight from ideal size.
This 6 Benefits of Healthy Sleep Naked
According to new research, less than 10 percent of Americans sleep naked. Not only make you look sexy, the experts also claim that sleeping naked is actually healthy for you.
Well, consider the following six reasons why you should sleep naked, as quoted Cosmopolitan.com! Check these out:
Well, consider the following six reasons why you should sleep naked, as quoted Cosmopolitan.com! Check these out:
1. Powerful healthy vagina
Jennifer Landa, MD, author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women, said that sleeping naked can be healthier for your vagina. As we know, the vagina is populated by a number of different types of yeast and bacteria. However, warm environment can sometimes cause excessive bacterial growth. One way to prevent infection, keep air circulation with bare-ria.
if you want a comfortable and warm at night, in fact it is important to
have a cool environment when you sleep," says Lisa Shives, MD, one of
the directors of the National Sleep Foundation. "Your
body temperature decreases during sleep, which is the natural activity
of the body, so it was too warm in her nightgown and heavy blankets to
bother him." Sleeping naked can help your body stay cool.
3. You'll Look Hotter
to naturopath Natasha Turner, author of the bestseller The Hormone
Diet, because it was too warm at night can interfere with the release of
melatonin and growth hormone anti aging into your body. Though this hormone to regenerate skin and hair.
4. Prevent belly
naked help you sleep better, which allows the level of the stress
hormone cortisol decreases when you rest, maintain energy, and suppress
hunger. When
disturbed sleep, the hormone cortisol will rise when you wake up that
makes you hungry and start looking for food, even trigger overeating.
5. Increasing confidence
According to Landa, it was very nice to sleep naked. "We will feel the sensation of the soft sheets and cool air, which can be very sexy" he said. "And, feel sexy it can boost confidence."
6. Increase your sex life
to Landa, sleeping naked is very good for your relationship, because
the touch of skin to improve skin potent chemical compounds giver
feel-good effect, such as a hormone that occurs when we embrace the
oxytocin. "Sleep naked encourage sexual intercourse and improve higher quality," he said. You will feel more relaxed and more in the mood for sex, which makes it easier to
have an orgasm. (Jay)
This She Male Favorite Body Part of Women
Dwi Indah Nurcahyani - Okezone
Saturday, December 1, 2012 10:33 pmBEAUTY woman's body is always tempting eyes to enjoy. They also favored some parts of the womenfolk. What are they?
A woman's curves is known as one of the areas that makes him in awe. But beyond that there are actually many parts of their favorites included. Peek leak the following, as reported Womanfirst.
beautiful smiles
Believe it or not, men are very appreciative when she smiled at him. A beautiful woman who frowned not look attractive in the eyes of men. Unfortunately, many people misinterpret the meaning of a smile, Many consider if a smile is a sign of the opposite sex likes him. So, be careful for a smile too much or for too long, unless you are deliberately spreading its charm on the man.
Full lips
View full lips to charm men. They do like the woman with the shape of the lips like this because he considered sexy. Some are even more intimate reason that they think if kissing with full lips will give an incredible sensation.
parts of the breast
This section is like a magnet for men. Their eyes were immediately amazed at the sight of her exposed cleavage. For men, breast size is not important. But the beauty of being a value to them to enjoy that part. (tty)